The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas (2024)

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5OTEP5V5OTCT t'j rt-t jymy anginaam at Tuba Okhk have bean planning la tha part aerenl weeki how they wtn nia MIAN approprbtedfcr to at nn ntver Hutah and Haybura A 10 AN allocation tor VU1 River win ba qaat far pubUc i faeUltba during lgM with aD ef tha work to ba eomjdated fai-ttajura of tha Now bnprort-mea tba af half mlb of hard aurtoea mad to ba added to tha already area holding rts rtot room ita-two waUa tor drinking water cuppiyM iricale tablea IT flrepbeea nine gaibaga raoap-tadaa and 34 Ugn-aurkani At Hatah wham Wlefeltuw reqaaatly a WAN ana-tor toipravaamata waa Two araaa af tha' pratort anafli At Caray Band a boat taifbtag imam wffl ba ta bo added ta riba af mad aad piralB 14 mile of of toil hu pad tar presence known la anpnl tourneys Ironically is uterine tar lecond year of year Uu and Batty McLaughlin took third place ta tta dty placed la tha state hand lint la tha ttjboil ray Una dnuhlic Hotting a deadly hack Max throw a 144 pound ball with anoath aad graceful approach' ho partletpala la two kagum i woek aad aba substitutes la league Mu waa a 100 at tha beginning at league aad hu ralaed her am-to 111 "White bowline bar flirt-love aha raJoyaTpratogrephy-and -tha-ptaaOb-Mu la a wondarfbt'pirtlmc aad ihraa ana an opportunity to aequtn ataay aaW frtanda" Bar "Mp ta always db-play with treneitdoia tntaraat aad aathualaam lor bar teammates BOWUNOBRI at tha haon aad tha Da SHOCKER COACHES AND PROBABLE Cotcheg Ralph Mil-ler (right) and Gary Thompson (left) talk things over with the five men who'll probably open the season for' tha Shockers' Shockers from left to right: Lannjr Van Emu Ron Heller Gene Wiley John Gales and Virgil (Eagle Staff Photo) I hock Ccagers on Wyoming Host lalirstlest tha to make Ht-who epana at the Whoever having a good aaortag night wttl aaa tha action Otwenera watehtag tha Bbocka ha wu gatttag tha tan to tha boop- bCMeh MUbr bat pnaabtag any Mleeourt valley Cutofraee rtuuapbmahip tor the tom of the area hut ha admits freely that WU ebould ba i) long sought law safari in too In Tho ndlu ware ftamUy approved far lame protectee ears by a bMget scmIm at tha legislated teat spring Tho two-way systems an tiasd to tor eaaaty tew m- tartatoktanllrasN added bit at nalpmsnl which cflbetiv rtn hTartraedifo Apifh 1 Tta raqulpaut ta walkte Uhl i -Tha gams protaetor hu problem of catching tha violator after tta game to taken but befora tha evidence hidden or destroyed Tho game officer must stake out hb tavoatiga-' tira site and move ta promptly and thb oonrriinttlon cant al-waya ta dons from cm Dipper Paces Warriors' Win Philly Trounces Royals 138-108' FHILADEIPHIA (AP) wnt Ctamberiita ooored 46 paints Saturday night the PbUadeiphla Warriors routed the Qnrinnii Royita 135-108 ta the second gams of National Basketball Association doubtehwder Rldrio Guerin playtag perhaps Wo finest gome of the season scored potato ta the opener and ted NOw York to 127-1U vlctary over Detroit Tta Ftribdelphb victory moved (to Warriors to within a balf-nm of poeesetitag Boston ta tho Eertern DMrira The Boyala ora tart In tta Western Division Tta tart Cfaetanatl could do wu to come within six print of Philadelphia at 6549 early ta the third period after Oscar Robert-on ocored two boskets The Warriors however ran off eight straight potato and from that point on tta game hronfrA a rout although Robertson who wound up with 25 potato tried to turn tbe tide with hb ohoottac Chamberlain who hu trouble Unking foul ihota switched to aa underhand take and mads 18 of aHcmun much-improved thb aeaaoa over tart year when tha team wan 14 gamaa loot 12 and tied the University of Houiton for tha Valley crown WU wttl pity Its flirt' home game agalnat Northwestern University of Iha Big Ten on Dee a week from Monday ta drills ever the weekend wm much impraeced with the kn-provemant of Wiley on tha of-tome tha Mg Negro youth wu tot-towing on tha board wen and wu being tod aa occasional high paea underneath bp guards Vaa-Bnan and Brady Whet more Sedgwick County League Coaches Forecast tough Campaign I i J-r-ll JU" an Write Ni JIm OOU BOWt SAST dSTTAY tStSOaial Unite Mallsv IIU rtSjt wmmt bl Ham eeii smu am Omar IM: I Jaaaa siSsira4a ft DM Mwim TETAakfr Savti VMi MTi IIgAgm insP3 Hit Km Mt Tin lata Irmanm 81" arnica lati Hiniiw Ci annw: Mr tnima wtMnh DodU tnM jWUiM H-ll iMCMUto ad Nowtaway Clean rataa 1 aad I waa Tba di bwi at srvtoa paraded tha it PM to talby appad Da Lua MUL Bavonl Ugh aa ad hi ala pawl Lin Bwwbsr lttfi Ju Btaa-bray UN (HI Idi SOI) CtaMk Uaatt mu lull aad Vbod Taday tha wU ka tha bmm at atlpra Two hfeh bawhiw bbatad tha talat Mate BILL STAN at Ban Bawl Eart fMkad ap airlao at IN aad HI Bawtaway BICKY aUTRB whtaad a ar IN BOTCH MIRKEY baidaf la tha Ibybawt baataaw aaaU at arim tar aa all apara af IN Harlem Cagers Show in Fonim Lisjr Tennis Queens 0nDec il Feahire BaNettaR tearing Barton uradara augmratad with at taaala awtataadlag tan wtU ahow la tha Dae 11 radar at tha Barry The dmfiaradiwa will featora itbta aad aeau at ngviu top mom tha ftnBMlnn win ba Lion HUUard aaa of tha port HUUard Mon ta baakathan togrory far many aoasona a la aaa ef tha outetamltwg playara duo to hb bag awrtaa Bta NrlbbUnN htalong aulL and rarprtou net eaiy hb opponents put nectaton as walL Aa halftbna "kAwm tonnta atandrata Alattae Oibaon Wimbledon champion and Karel Dun tha bkndo beauty at tha nan win dbplay talk which carried them to stardom brighto Harry Paabbo head at tha aponaotlag eaeney atatad But advaneotteket are aa aala at Holbtaugh ter tha Ambon dorT ahowlng hi tha Pbrum aa Deell Bills Annex Soccer Title HEW TOBX (AP)-Den Kama booled two took bieludlng tha wtawr aa the It Leak BUUkeM defeated Maiyiand latwday and captured their aaeaBd atralgbt WrilMll MhIM Mhlh atp- tba HUUkaai la aearbw thetr Mb atralgbt vMaiy autaaend tba Ihmptaa t-1 la tba that quar-tefnado HI-1 la tba aaecnd and tbn tought aff a aarra at attacka ky Marylaad'a determined lor- 'Bama Victor Over Auburn BnUfHfQHAM Ala (API-Ala-bama aqueeard part-Aubun Saturday aa tammy Brooker'a B-yard field goal and aa beoclad defeuN Alabama then promptly accepted aa tavtutloo ta play In tba Buabeonet BowL tba tide clodng etit with an -1-1 record wffl meet Tms wttb mark ta the bowl at Hou- tab Tex Dee 17 Dmptte the dou aeon this 35th gaaw ta a crou state rivalry dating tack to I3H tabued to Alabama an tba wap iMMa-ni iM4i-ai aiHWii OMi Dm FaMM JM CMWtll Oar Brmr TMM-IU nwai-fu ton-n-eu n-Tn-iu tMMl-ill TMWia-IU IMMI-IM i 1 Ciaan Jr I BUB 1-1M IMMI'IW Dma 7MI-4a IM-U Irish Surprise Seutherh Cal Blank Hosts 170 During Rainstorm LOB AMOEUB (DPI) Notre Dame which opened Ka aeaaoa with a win orer a Ooldn Weal rival mapped afchtgame ba-lag atreak Saturday to a rato-etonn wttb a 17-0 football vlctary over toveted Boatban CaUfornla Notra Dama opened Ma aeaaoa wttb a wta over ma umveretty of Callfonila but waked until Bator day for another Daryte Iparka HD gophamm quartarbaek Daqpe uaoclca wba want ta Notre Dama from Ctovto Calif provided tba mart tar tha Dbh victory with hb fine baUhandHng aad alert defeoalva May But a bevy of epeedy backa wbo nut Ilka Nrtatcn tba wet turf hared tha iloty befora a rato-dreachad crowd of NUT tha vlctary etoced cut the aa far the vtah with a mark aad demeoctrated that they had a better team than tha record Indicated A field by VaitawNi and touchdewH by Lamaalca and Bob Pfuryfttfr arrnuntrd tor an tha aaortag which waa KgiMad to the Drat bait hi tba flrattww pa-rtadi the tmtonp van bttd to eleht not ruabtag aad did not malm a firat dowa until tba final aacoode at the ban 'Yea Honor Lomsvnxx sy dfd -the National BaeebaU Coagnaa Bat urday awarded at tha Tear" booora to Harold Lanier an af Caidtaal pHiw Hu Lanier and Butch Ntaen a fttob-maa at Lsublana Itato DBtNnt-ly Lanier pitched tor the Tampa team wtaaar af tba HBOMrida tote tournament tide year after playtag Mgb adml and American togtoa baaeball Ntxoa a right bander wu tba top burter to the Nth1 1 when hb Poachatoula La team a runner up boom at Wichita Kan Duck Calendar Bun rtoec Sunday at am and acta at 1:11 pm Following an Saturday peratan aatramea and praeipt-Uoa amounta tor dtlea north of Kanaaa: Sheridan Wyo I' WilBatan 31 Fargo BUmarck a to Prince Albert Bwfc 1 Medicine Hat Albertn10 Calgary Alberta'll 9 Bdiaeataa Albarta -A Sugar Rn malhtag ttria ta dmttitbu Ms last etanea for a healthy payday and a vtatoky ta imperative expressed aimUar respect for tta durability and u-greaahw tactics of Fullmer Dtamlmeo Fender Lama Robtaara dtamlmra Ma two looses to Paul Fonder ta Borton early thb year Fender reoognbed ta New York and Massachusetts the champion Proctor wants jba otter man to make tta fight You cut win from figMef running away all tta time" he exclaimed Fullmer whipped Fender ta UH Gene canny manager Mary Jenson cut ta to observe: Pender didn't box far 31 months after he fought Gene1 fab last title defense 1 mr belled Carmen- Basflto into virtual retirement in 14 rounds at Salt Uka City tart June Perth TUie Defea The coming match wflUhe' Oene's fourth detome of tta title ataee ha regained It vta a 14-round knockout ever BasOio at San Franeiaco Aug 1519M On-promoten Cal Eaton and George Parnassua hope for a near rollout of 17AM and gate racelpU hf 31MAM Fullmer iuarentoad-43 per cent of the aeti Robinaon 20 per cent Tta toyeaaoM Utah veteran hu mtaiq match elauf ta the contract tt ha Relah Cave wttl grt taK mile of hard sarfaea mad and pdiktag to aagmrat the 3H lies af mad parking ruspo and already thro A I15A00 allotment wm be Nt at Heybum Point for a mite of hard surface mad Tta cry tor safety In hunting so acuta thb -yew that Kimberly Clark a tioraa firm hu eama up with a hunter pocket peek of theme TTjo "hunter peek" flare-rod eo that a flash of white when a hunter wants to blow hb nose wont signal to other gunmen Army CapL Whetetine unit adviser tor the ISth infantry Division recalled thb week tor friends the start of a thrilling tug-of-war with a "real lunker Wbetotlne went to the- Walnut River with Marine CapL Char tea Folsom said a good but tricky angler to wet bait with After dark Wtatrtln worked hb way up tha bank ucroro the river from Folsom when suddenly he yelled "Pro got a rarely over 4 pounds" Whatatina struggled tor 10 minutes before ho mettaad Folsom tad intentionally cart a line over Whetetine and wu giving a good imitation at a fighting tanker white holding a light on tha water for hb partner A man can gel la traebte far avra aggmtteg seek a thing bet taro gam a banting net far the weoron Mama hu eeek the ptaamal father clean It eNy tobr gbasheeld get tiring rat ef Uw Job 1 rawtateuybe? How simmer down It may not be expnatva u-It rounds Either of tha two nlco prepare tho ptaosont tooth era if tho cleaning ta donorlghL Our hom*o economica advbcr ays the pheasant must ta by ratting around the wlnga lege rad neck end then taking the skin off Bta a ettp-over sweather Wortang from the flesh aUhL use dun knife to scrape ewsy all the fatty until ony the akin m- Apply borax on tha flub aide Rub In well and atom ta a eooi pot In a day or ra apply mom borax and continue tho proeem until tho skin won abeorb any mom Bab may ta mod Three to fire treatment should cum Gal Grapplers On Forum Card Wrestling Bill On Monday Night One of wrestling top luroe-a card featuring a gate match and tag among man cofeatures tha professional mat card listed tor tho Wichita Pfarum on Monday night Start-tag time ta pm Millia Btafford of Uinneapdb Uul and Kathy Btarr of Toledo on tho grappled on tho distaff skto wboT tend tho tomlnin charm to tho esrd sponsored by tho American Tg team action cm at pro-wrestling tap attraction duo tho ever present maneuvers ends tho popular brother teem at Jbq and Guy Burnett! agai crafty Orientate Klnju Btribuja and Mttra Arakawa Native Kansan Blanchard former K-8tate mat star from Parsons XanH win show An tha main cvanL Blanchard ta paired agatart Dick Tha Bruiser making hb Initial showing on a Wichita mat card Advance tickets will ta avan-atrie at HoQataugh throughout Monday BIO TIRE WRESTLING Form WichHa 8J! NOV 21 TU BBinSCH IS unui raianr mo abamwa foU POT IGNKTTI CTMU STAVTOB Tlrkri Mi Mi 1 440UABAUCMT AM MONDAY Thm SATURDAY Home Debut Set With 'Cats Dec 5 By BILL BODGE wu a abort thankagivtag tor the Dnivmlty af WtoUto taaak tha Bhoekem are opening their 1900-41 campaign Thurt-dey night agatart tha Dtatvantty of Wyomtag la Taramla Coach Ralph MUbr raa hb quad through double practice dona Friday aad Saturday Tha Bhoeka look ta good dhapa id ready tor their opener hut Millar to attempting to them to a raeor-eharp form tor their debut Tha WU equadV opening trip win Include two gamee Following ite games at 'Ieu-amie tha team win fly to Ltneoin Nebr wham it wiU mart tha Unlver-dty of Nebraeka Cornhueken Saturday night ataritag bdtba look tor tha Bhoekam and aaa tor-ward mot wtn Imp Motor Mm Oaba and Junior Wayne (Bull) Durham rotating to aad out ef the line-up Uka football card nhetltntra On tha port win ba f-10 Junior (toaa Wiley a mueh-ou ad parformar over what ha a aophomera iha guard bertha witt go to 1MP-N atartan Uaay VanBnaa and Virgil Brady who am aenien in tha other etartlng forward Net will be g-4 Ron Better a senior lettarmaa and atartor from tha tort two eeaeona la an impacts' tha Bhoekne look to have thetr beat squad to hietory and they ebould be wdl-taatea In their debut Wyoming udw wily Bill abinlgan who atoared Iowa State to wan a few eeaeona back rebuilding with aom ratable help from tranafer atud-aata the Oewtioye have alt trana-fen bn their mater Including 4-4 Bill French of Pretty Prairie Kan who la a Junior Btnnnlfan abe'haa added -a pair of f-l aophemoraa to hb aquad thb eeaaaa They are Richard Bowen of Manning la and Alan EMt1and of A' Bab Steekman a g-T ftom Muacatlna la probably win handla mart of the center chcna far Wyoming fa -the Wichita win ta without Its loading eeemr of tha part two eeaeona Al Tate who graduated tart spring Mil iuf 3t hu a aolld front Una however with Heller l-f Durham and Goffa- 1 Ootaa probably wttl atart tha at tha rotating forward ammaa (aw-tix hr am US snwrira UU IbM Dm I kMMa MuaplM Otm Mlmr WM 4 fcprduy 1U FactjFjguri los smriutra ism-ram MW Iks mH MMkMO l(MI Mmb IkNMi Oa 1 WM lirtu OrtTM 0 NfV rL a sewn VMM! Mmm pw hT' I By niTS MENDELL Eagta Sparta Writer A ttx team hone race eould develop In tba Sedgwick County League run tor tha basketball thb season At any rata six teams will Una up at tbs gate Dee 3 and not on ta a claw cut favorite Tba local booktae predict Garda Plain on tba atmgtb 'ef atghtoiatarataf lcttermra Arbta-tory Pldte ML took third la tbs atete last year and were undttoated in ague play" Oaa MhB Badgwiek tea tha talbrt In the leagua but another points out tbsra good praapaet to tta Goddard camp Bo mayta too tart ptaeo to look ta tta hom*o nuuth but ovan than right part the aeoond it turns out to ta a six one raeo Not oaa eoaoh ta the wttl ebarly aura to tba and of tba ttmb and predict bta team winner but not 'eadhu dug underground altbar "We aright win it but boy an wo going to ba tough" CHENEY: Five lettennen return to eoaoh Tom Sterna camp Tba Oarttinab ban sight auloru and oaa good aophom*ora proopcet to toot tha mot of tba Sedgwick County teama With g-3 Emart Barra 110 Bill Ladgar-wood S-3 Kan Bchomacker 4-11 Don Kooter and 4-11 Dick Mar rlooa lottennen eoacb Btarneo hu tho experience on hand to a real race far tha rooea Mummm nn nm tu A f-ltt sophom*ore MUton Faw- lor eould giro tho lettennen some battle for a otarting rote GARDEN PLAIN! Ooaeh Dwayna Fuete hu eight tetter-men flva of which are 1-0 or Lid by att-teaguo Dab I 4-1 it tha Owte have good experteneo and height tal- "We out be counted out of tho said eoaoh Puote "TheyTl know tlieyVa played aomeono when they play us this year" Other lattorman am: S-114 Mcrrla "Iinnetar -m Peter Duke P) Ken Martin 1-10 Tbn Kramer 1-10 Don Amaa 4-11 Francis Iinnetar: and S-B Ken OODDARD: Three tettarmcn return to tho Lion den thb season Including center Willis tam (4-14) Lamp made himself we! known around tha circuit tart season and opposing eoaehoa feel thb tha Goddard athlete to itop Coaich Jack Rater feels "Wco got Just good a anyone" Lamp will bo backed by letter-men Kermtt Shipley 1-10 Richard Cake 1-10 and Junior quadman Georgs Coleman A senior who might prove to bo a daikhano for starting hone George Landwehr Landwehr did not play ball last season but coach Kater says the senior looking good and eould gin Isoms help befora tho season jam- MAIZE: it wouldn't bo a good hone race without at feast one dark hone and Malm flte the bttt Coach Walt Be mb hu only two remaining lettennen Ho ad mlb tho championship ta a "toss but particular attention must- be paid to Goddard and BeddWick The Mabo camp wdl around tettarmcn Jack Wadsworth a g-l center and Rod Nicholson 4-11 Bquadmu Rick Heddon la-beted a "good baU handler by Ktlmaa ta aam urritwv muii OM WM SariM IlMM tlMM If wtah flM IM km apart thsl Aw kM to arfar Uiaairel IUbAuA TIpbI' WWJ 18 S8 rsirs 1:11 IS II: bar 1MU WadMadsr DM Ttnndsy FrlAai MtarAw uAw AM arluJarli iriirTo 1 11 tU A ll IN 11:11 1:8 iTu during tho grid season Leading scorer of 1969-60 isiim yann will bo out indefinitely and Ron McCormick will mtao two or three gaum became of broken collar bon Joe Moreland a6-lM provide moot of tho Mt Hope power thb season until McCormick era grt tack Into uniform "If wo hadnT loot soma boys to foottan 'injuries 'X feel wo eould have won tha league again thb commented ooaeh Macklln "but If wo era Improve wo Will stp giro bm a fight1 SEDGWICK: Hie CSrdlnab am boasting a new ooaeh thb yew Personable Larry Hunter a not witting to pick a winner to tho loop thb aeaaoa but his band of fire seniors two sophom*ores and a Junior capable of flght-ing any Sedgwick County team to the wire Coach Hunter hu tho services of Date Murphy 4-3 Roger Baden 4-S Jim MUes 4-4 Loyal Edmondson 4-11 and Howard Wilt 4-4 Two sophom*ores 4-10 Gary Davidson and 4-4 Robert Baterio along with Junior Wayno Hitt 9-10 wttl also add the needed depth Baylor Tags Rice 12-7 WACO Tta (AP) Bobby Ply kd Baylor on 1 73-yard drive with leu than three mtautee to Bet- toJtert Hlc 13-7 and band (to Southwest Conference cham-pMiip to-Aitanaaa But tta defeat dU-not keep Klee out of tbe flugar BowL wu extended an Invitation atmmMMf after tta game by the Sugar Bowl Selection Committea and took the bM to meet MbetoetppL Klee tad eoomd with left eopbomora Randy Kertow ted aa 30-yard parade and Mu Webb tbe extra point that gave tta Owls a 7-4 lead Then Ply stepped ta and with help team Romria Stanley and Ramria Bun led Baykr to victory NAM hu screamed Thera wu enty 3:33 left the clock Baylor made ite toueb-PiF pooled for yank ta Ite winning drive Park Board Cage Slate VAMDINOS wmum 'w WMhr-OSMt Otl McKlala fork AMbi Tnlltn WIOUs k4M Mtei Aparina Lhih I I IMS i amri Bn PImpm lUrMrt Dntr IMtarias S' MaMsv CVrtti Ovm: Klnkr ammi I Ke-airiss Wflkr- On: Isa Wlcfc-WwUlnk Cwtli Ova: I I ML 'Jnullf Cl IM WM a is WtUtr Wt AotMr Ikandav ISriCtakv Viik Ofp: a a wuMte sm con hcxmkv a 4fm- Bar-0 5k2' Kl hmti rSi Onkv TkaiMsv UspOMp Ova: ls-i is OMtkMM Ormr Isi is UmpM a p- Pmmw On May M30 tho Brooklyn Dodgem and tha Boston Brava played innings for tta longest major league gam on record Tho gams wu called of darkness with tho aeon tied B-l orrooTPWitv I mCOANCS MANAnxmllT im are Mm ska mm sbSHuA karaMM i Mfid aa MkkHlMM raiMMnltMMUMr M- The longest scoring play of tho 1IN Big Trt football season wu a 43-yard pass tateroeptlon re- turn by Michigan State halftark Bob Bud agatart ciigmw Gene's Crown at Stake Fullmer Robinson Battle In LA Saturday Night Tape ANOELM I AF) Ago nothing a fighter cu rtill punch wttb authority still a mart fltfii- er and hg can sttU hB" Gene added Foetpooed from last Oct I the ittonatty televised 11 -rounder goes ra ta the Sports Amu next Saturday eight 1 Fullmer fully recovered from a pulled leg muscle which forced the postponement and ex-champtao Sugar Bay neared IM peak of training Srturday The champ) from Wert Jordu Utah training hero and Robtaara at Gflmu Hot Springs ram 70 mttea east ef WIT Pot Pta OFLoa Angelea Final Such the pbfloaopky ef Gene Fullmer the world middleweight champion ta the realm of tha Na- tional Boxing Aicoctatloa he looks toward Mr tltta defemb ualnrt N-yrandd Sugar Ray tapmesgratei Mb Bkrt New Tork'i Robinson with an tatrigutag career af wtaa defeato aad rotimnenis aaettw unprecedented sixth toot' at tba tt-Tto Tha msteb goea an at jp E8T with ABO (KA KX Ctanml wbcaiL IS Wichita) doing the Southern California will bebtoriied out "I realise Robinson do young-iter any mom but 1 have nothing but respect tor hb punching abtt-said Fulimrr wbo The only knockout ta hb 1 record wu ocored by Sugar Ray ta live rounds ta Chicago May 1 RIVERSIDE AIR' CUSHION NYLON (SECONDS) m-ia vm-11 Mi Tt 71015 10JS 740x15'' i' 1LIS Now Tbw No Recap 100 Nyfan tod CnU Rabtar Tmrf $225 Mon far Tltllgmarf WBRBWBII rt Tin CabTw HO 4-4441 -t Big 8 Standings 1 AS IM 47 It IN 0 I 3 0 714 75 4 3 ATI 31 IN 3 4 1 J57 111 101 110 JBt ill 111 3 0 'AN 17 0 7 0 AOO35 3T Al Gamea TFciFtoOP 1 7N Mbaourt Ooitndo lows Btoto Nebraska OUa state 73 I 1 I 4 3 4 0 Missouri Iowa state AM 374 71 AM 140 131 704 US 135 AM JM IN AM 154 jm in us Nebraska -Okia state I 7 SJ Coach Beam Is "He rtafod good dependable tad tor va bat yew an alternate" MT HOPE: Graduation and tough football season hu hurt ML Hope title chsncta thb season but eoach Ray Macklln ta ndt ready to concede "it should bo anal battb ta thei league" -Tho Pirates loot tour of 10 lettennen off of tart season: dub Tho team i wttl' hurt by tajurbs i- i- pus Ma ILM Mar II Mi IN Mnfty low lit villa QccurranEggggggggggBMxtBMBBB I'tfO JM 71 US U67 in a tills bout CmUim 1.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.